Team Workshops

Get to know your team

Joel Beckett behavioural workshop image

Communications Workshops

High performance companies demand high-performing teams. Outstanding teams are often created and cultivated, so it is no accident that some groups perform better than others. Together we will explore the traits that make independently talented people come together to form a dynamic team culture.

My actor-led immersive workshops enable teams to quickly identify common workplace behaviours and characteristics. Then they will learn the essential skills they need to adapt to different situations, discover more about themselves, the people they work with and have some fun along the way.

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Team Personality Profiling

Based on team personality profiling and client briefing, this session examines the behavioural strengths and characteristics of each team member independently, as well as collectively.  We will build team cohesion, increase awareness of individual strengths, weaknesses and diversity. We will demonstrate how each team member has an important role to play in workplace success and show the tremendous impact an individual can have on the organisation as a whole.

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Enhanced Collaboration

Used as a springboard for enhanced collaboration, this session will shed light upon leadership impact, communication/task flow and increase awareness of individual strengths and diversity. Teams and organisations that embrace these workshops will experience improved communication, stronger relationships and higher levels of productivity and creativity.

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Certified Team Coaches

All my workshops have certified Team Coaches fully qualified in administering personality profiling. They will guide the process, encourage disruptive thinking and cognitive diversity with all voices heard, to deliver results your organisation will benefit from. I can create full or half-day sessions that cater from 10 -60 people.

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Start presenting with confidence today

Gain confidence, master performance, and excel in the art of compelling public speaking. Unlock your full potential. Start today.

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